(%i1) batch(diffeq.max) read and interpret file: /home/dennis/mastersource/mine/omnisode/diffeq.max (%i2) load(stringproc) (%o2) /usr/share/maxima/5.27.0/share/stringproc/stringproc.mac (%i3) check_sign(x0, xf) := block([ret], if xf > x0 then ret : 1.0 else ret : - 1.0, ret) (%o3) check_sign(x0, xf) := block([ret], if xf > x0 then ret : 1.0 else ret : - 1.0, ret) (%i4) est_size_answer() := block([min_size], min_size : glob_large_float, if omniabs(array_y2 ) < min_size then (min_size : omniabs(array_y2 ), 1 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), if omniabs(array_y1 ) < min_size then (min_size : omniabs(array_y1 ), 1 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), if min_size < 1.0 then (min_size : 1.0, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), min_size) (%o4) est_size_answer() := block([min_size], min_size : glob_large_float, if omniabs(array_y2 ) < min_size then (min_size : omniabs(array_y2 ), 1 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), if omniabs(array_y1 ) < min_size then (min_size : omniabs(array_y1 ), 1 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), if min_size < 1.0 then (min_size : 1.0, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "min_size", 32, min_size, 32, "")), min_size) (%i5) test_suggested_h() := block([max_value3, hn_div_ho, hn_div_ho_2, hn_div_ho_3, value3, no_terms], max_value3 : 0.0, no_terms : glob_max_terms, hn_div_ho : 0.5, hn_div_ho_2 : 0.25, hn_div_ho_3 : 0.125, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho", 32, hn_div_ho, 32, ""), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho_2", 32, hn_div_ho_2, 32, ""), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho_3", 32, hn_div_ho_3, 32, ""), value3 : omniabs(array_y2 hn_div_ho_3 no_terms + array_y2 hn_div_ho_2 + array_y2 hn_div_ho no_terms - 1 no_terms - 2 + array_y2 ), if value3 > max_value3 no_terms - 3 then (max_value3 : value3, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, "")), value3 : omniabs(array_y1 hn_div_ho_3 no_terms + array_y1 hn_div_ho_2 + array_y1 hn_div_ho no_terms - 1 no_terms - 2 + array_y1 ), if value3 > max_value3 no_terms - 3 then (max_value3 : value3, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, "")), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "max_value3", 32, max_value3, 32, ""), max_value3) (%o5) test_suggested_h() := block([max_value3, hn_div_ho, hn_div_ho_2, hn_div_ho_3, value3, no_terms], max_value3 : 0.0, no_terms : glob_max_terms, hn_div_ho : 0.5, hn_div_ho_2 : 0.25, hn_div_ho_3 : 0.125, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho", 32, hn_div_ho, 32, ""), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho_2", 32, hn_div_ho_2, 32, ""), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "hn_div_ho_3", 32, hn_div_ho_3, 32, ""), value3 : omniabs(array_y2 hn_div_ho_3 no_terms + array_y2 hn_div_ho_2 + array_y2 hn_div_ho no_terms - 1 no_terms - 2 + array_y2 ), if value3 > max_value3 no_terms - 3 then (max_value3 : value3, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, "")), value3 : omniabs(array_y1 hn_div_ho_3 no_terms + array_y1 hn_div_ho_2 + array_y1 hn_div_ho no_terms - 1 no_terms - 2 + array_y1 ), if value3 > max_value3 no_terms - 3 then (max_value3 : value3, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, "")), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "max_value3", 32, max_value3, 32, ""), max_value3) (%i6) reached_interval() := block([ret], if glob_check_sign array_x >= glob_check_sign glob_next_display 1 then ret : true else ret : false, return(ret)) (%o6) reached_interval() := block([ret], if glob_check_sign array_x >= glob_check_sign glob_next_display 1 then ret : true else ret : false, return(ret)) (%i7) display_alot(iter) := block([abserr, analytic_val_y, ind_var, numeric_val, relerr, term_no], if reached_interval() then (if iter >= 0 then (ind_var : array_x , 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "x[1] ", 33, ind_var, 20, " "), analytic_val_y : exact_soln_y2(ind_var), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y2[1] (analytic) ", 33, analytic_val_y, 20, " "), term_no : 1, numeric_val : array_y2 , term_no abserr : omniabs(numeric_val - analytic_val_y), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y2[1] (numeric) ", 33, numeric_val, 20, " "), if omniabs(analytic_val_y) # 0.0 abserr 100.0 then (relerr : -----------------------, omniabs(analytic_val_y) if relerr # 0.0 then glob_good_digits : 2 - floor(log10(relerr)) else glob_good_digits : 16) else (relerr : - 1.0, glob_good_digits : - 1), if glob_iter = 1 then array_1st_rel_error : relerr 1 else array_last_rel_error : relerr, omniout_float(ALWAYS, 1 "absolute error ", 4, abserr, 20, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "relative error ", 4, relerr, 20, "%"), omniout_int(INFO, "Correct digits ", 32, glob_good_digits, 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "h ", 4, glob_h, 20, " "), analytic_val_y : exact_soln_y1(ind_var), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y1[1] (analytic) ", 33, analytic_val_y, 20, " "), term_no : 1, numeric_val : array_y1 , term_no abserr : omniabs(numeric_val - analytic_val_y), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y1[1] (numeric) ", 33, numeric_val, 20, " "), if omniabs(analytic_val_y) # 0.0 abserr 100.0 then (relerr : -----------------------, omniabs(analytic_val_y) if relerr # 0.0 then glob_good_digits : 2 - floor(log10(relerr)) else glob_good_digits : 16) else (relerr : - 1.0, glob_good_digits : - 1), if glob_iter = 1 then array_1st_rel_error : relerr 2 else array_last_rel_error : relerr, omniout_float(ALWAYS, 2 "absolute error ", 4, abserr, 20, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "relative error ", 4, relerr, 20, "%"), omniout_int(INFO, "Correct digits ", 32, glob_good_digits, 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "h ", 4, glob_h, 20, " ")))) (%o7) display_alot(iter) := block([abserr, analytic_val_y, ind_var, numeric_val, relerr, term_no], if reached_interval() then (if iter >= 0 then (ind_var : array_x , 1 omniout_float(ALWAYS, "x[1] ", 33, ind_var, 20, " "), analytic_val_y : exact_soln_y2(ind_var), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y2[1] (analytic) ", 33, analytic_val_y, 20, " "), term_no : 1, numeric_val : array_y2 , term_no abserr : omniabs(numeric_val - analytic_val_y), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y2[1] (numeric) ", 33, numeric_val, 20, " "), if omniabs(analytic_val_y) # 0.0 abserr 100.0 then (relerr : -----------------------, omniabs(analytic_val_y) if relerr # 0.0 then glob_good_digits : 2 - floor(log10(relerr)) else glob_good_digits : 16) else (relerr : - 1.0, glob_good_digits : - 1), if glob_iter = 1 then array_1st_rel_error : relerr 1 else array_last_rel_error : relerr, omniout_float(ALWAYS, 1 "absolute error ", 4, abserr, 20, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "relative error ", 4, relerr, 20, "%"), omniout_int(INFO, "Correct digits ", 32, glob_good_digits, 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "h ", 4, glob_h, 20, " "), analytic_val_y : exact_soln_y1(ind_var), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y1[1] (analytic) ", 33, analytic_val_y, 20, " "), term_no : 1, numeric_val : array_y1 , term_no abserr : omniabs(numeric_val - analytic_val_y), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "y1[1] (numeric) ", 33, numeric_val, 20, " "), if omniabs(analytic_val_y) # 0.0 abserr 100.0 then (relerr : -----------------------, omniabs(analytic_val_y) if relerr # 0.0 then glob_good_digits : 2 - floor(log10(relerr)) else glob_good_digits : 16) else (relerr : - 1.0, glob_good_digits : - 1), if glob_iter = 1 then array_1st_rel_error : relerr 2 else array_last_rel_error : relerr, omniout_float(ALWAYS, 2 "absolute error ", 4, abserr, 20, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "relative error ", 4, relerr, 20, "%"), omniout_int(INFO, "Correct digits ", 32, glob_good_digits, 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "h ", 4, glob_h, 20, " ")))) (%i8) adjust_for_pole(h_param) := block([hnew, sz2, tmp], block(hnew : h_param, glob_normmax : glob_small_float, if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y2_higher ), 1, 1 if tmp < glob_normmax then glob_normmax : tmp), if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y1_higher ), 1, 1 if tmp < glob_normmax then glob_normmax : tmp), if glob_look_poles and (omniabs(array_pole ) > glob_small_float) 1 array_pole 1 and (array_pole # glob_large_float) then (sz2 : -----------, 1 10.0 if sz2 < hnew then (omniout_float(INFO, "glob_h adjusted to ", 20, h_param, 12, "due to singularity."), omniout_str(INFO, "Reached Optimal"), return(hnew))), if not glob_reached_optimal_h then (glob_reached_optimal_h : true, glob_curr_iter_when_opt : glob_current_iter, glob_optimal_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_optimal_start : array_x ), hnew : sz2), return(hnew)) 1 (%o8) adjust_for_pole(h_param) := block([hnew, sz2, tmp], block(hnew : h_param, glob_normmax : glob_small_float, if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y2_higher ), 1, 1 if tmp < glob_normmax then glob_normmax : tmp), if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y1_higher ), 1, 1 if tmp < glob_normmax then glob_normmax : tmp), if glob_look_poles and (omniabs(array_pole ) > glob_small_float) 1 array_pole 1 and (array_pole # glob_large_float) then (sz2 : -----------, 1 10.0 if sz2 < hnew then (omniout_float(INFO, "glob_h adjusted to ", 20, h_param, 12, "due to singularity."), omniout_str(INFO, "Reached Optimal"), return(hnew))), if not glob_reached_optimal_h then (glob_reached_optimal_h : true, glob_curr_iter_when_opt : glob_current_iter, glob_optimal_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_optimal_start : array_x ), hnew : sz2), return(hnew)) 1 (%i9) prog_report(x_start, x_end) := block([clock_sec, opt_clock_sec, clock_sec1, expect_sec, left_sec, percent_done, total_clock_sec], clock_sec1 : elapsed_time_seconds(), total_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec), glob_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_clock_start_sec), left_sec : - convfloat(clock_sec1) + convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) + convfloat(glob_max_sec), expect_sec : comp_expect_sec(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x ), 1 convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec)), opt_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_optimal_clock_start_sec), glob_optimal_expect_sec : comp_expect_sec(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x ), 1 convfloat(opt_clock_sec)), glob_total_exp_sec : total_clock_sec + glob_optimal_expect_sec, percent_done : comp_percent(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x )), glob_percent_done : percent_done, 1 omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Total Elapsed Time "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(total_clock_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Elapsed Time(since restart) "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_clock_sec)), if convfloat(percent_done) < convfloat(100.0) then (omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Expected Time Remaining "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(expect_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Optimized Time Remaining "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_optimal_expect_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Expected Total Time "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_total_exp_sec))), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Time to Timeout "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(left_sec)), omniout_float(INFO, "Percent Done ", 33, percent_done, 4, "%")) (%o9) prog_report(x_start, x_end) := block([clock_sec, opt_clock_sec, clock_sec1, expect_sec, left_sec, percent_done, total_clock_sec], clock_sec1 : elapsed_time_seconds(), total_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec), glob_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_clock_start_sec), left_sec : - convfloat(clock_sec1) + convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) + convfloat(glob_max_sec), expect_sec : comp_expect_sec(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x ), 1 convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec)), opt_clock_sec : convfloat(clock_sec1) - convfloat(glob_optimal_clock_start_sec), glob_optimal_expect_sec : comp_expect_sec(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x ), 1 convfloat(opt_clock_sec)), glob_total_exp_sec : total_clock_sec + glob_optimal_expect_sec, percent_done : comp_percent(convfloat(x_end), convfloat(x_start), convfloat(glob_h) + convfloat(array_x )), glob_percent_done : percent_done, 1 omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Total Elapsed Time "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(total_clock_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Elapsed Time(since restart) "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_clock_sec)), if convfloat(percent_done) < convfloat(100.0) then (omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Expected Time Remaining "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(expect_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Optimized Time Remaining "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_optimal_expect_sec)), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Expected Total Time "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(glob_total_exp_sec))), omniout_str_noeol(INFO, "Time to Timeout "), omniout_timestr(convfloat(left_sec)), omniout_float(INFO, "Percent Done ", 33, percent_done, 4, "%")) (%i10) check_for_pole() := block([cnt, dr1, dr2, ds1, ds2, hdrc, m, n, nr1, nr2, ord_no, rad_c, rcs, rm0, rm1, rm2, rm3, rm4, found, h_new, ratio, term], n : glob_max_terms, m : - 1 - 3 + n, while (m >= 10) and ((omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float)) do m 1, m - 2 array_y2_higher 1, m : m - 1, if m > 10 then (rm0 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 rm1 : -----------------------, hdrc : convfloat(m - 1) rm0 array_y2_higher 1, m - 2 - convfloat(m - 2) rm1, if omniabs(hdrc) > glob_small_float glob_h convfloat(m - 1) rm0 then (rcs : ------, ord_no : 2.0 - convfloat(m) + --------------------, hdrc hdrc array_real_pole : rcs, array_real_pole : ord_no) 1, 1 1, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float)) 1, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float), n : glob_max_terms, m : - 1 - 1 + n, 1, 2 while (m >= 10) and ((omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float)) do m 1, m - 2 array_y1_higher 1, m : m - 1, if m > 10 then (rm0 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 rm1 : -----------------------, hdrc : convfloat(m - 1) rm0 array_y1_higher 1, m - 2 - convfloat(m - 2) rm1, if omniabs(hdrc) > glob_small_float glob_h convfloat(m - 1) rm0 then (rcs : ------, ord_no : 2.0 - convfloat(m) + --------------------, hdrc hdrc array_real_pole : rcs, array_real_pole : ord_no) 2, 1 2, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float)) 2, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float), n : - 1 - 3 + glob_max_terms, 2, 2 cnt : 0, while (cnt < 5) and (n >= 10) do (if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > 1, n glob_small_float then cnt : 1 + cnt else cnt : 0, n : n - 1), m : cnt + n, if m <= 10 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 elseif (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 2 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 3 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 4 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 5 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m 1, m - 1 else (rm0 : -----------------------, rm1 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 1, m - 2 array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 2 1, m - 3 rm2 : -----------------------, rm3 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 3 1, m - 4 array_y2_higher 1, m - 4 rm4 : -----------------------, nr1 : convfloat(m - 3) rm2 array_y2_higher 1, m - 5 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 2) rm1 + convfloat(m - 1) rm0, nr2 : convfloat(m - 4) rm3 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 3) rm2 + convfloat(m - 2) rm1, - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 dr1 : ----- + --- + -----, dr2 : ----- + --- + -----, ds1 : --- - --- + ---, rm3 rm2 rm1 rm4 rm3 rm2 rm3 rm2 rm1 5.0 8.0 3.0 ds2 : --- - --- + ---, if (omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) <= glob_small_float) rm4 rm3 rm2 or (omniabs(dr1) <= glob_small_float) then (array_complex_pole : 1, 1 glob_large_float, array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 else (if omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) > glob_small_float dr1 dr2 - ds2 dr1 + ds1 dr2 then (rcs : ---------------------------, nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1 rcs nr1 - ds1 convfloat(m) ord_no : ------------- - ------------, 2.0 dr1 2.0 if omniabs(rcs) > glob_small_float then (if rcs > 0.0 then rad_c : sqrt(rcs) omniabs(glob_h) else rad_c : glob_large_float) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)), array_complex_pole : rad_c, array_complex_pole : ord_no), 1, 1 1, 2 n : - 1 - 1 + glob_max_terms, cnt : 0, while (cnt < 5) and (n >= 10) do (if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > 1, n glob_small_float then cnt : 1 + cnt else cnt : 0, n : n - 1), m : cnt + n, if m <= 10 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 elseif (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 2 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 3 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 4 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 5 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m 1, m - 1 else (rm0 : -----------------------, rm1 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 1, m - 2 array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 2 1, m - 3 rm2 : -----------------------, rm3 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 3 1, m - 4 array_y1_higher 1, m - 4 rm4 : -----------------------, nr1 : convfloat(m - 3) rm2 array_y1_higher 1, m - 5 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 2) rm1 + convfloat(m - 1) rm0, nr2 : convfloat(m - 4) rm3 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 3) rm2 + convfloat(m - 2) rm1, - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 dr1 : ----- + --- + -----, dr2 : ----- + --- + -----, ds1 : --- - --- + ---, rm3 rm2 rm1 rm4 rm3 rm2 rm3 rm2 rm1 5.0 8.0 3.0 ds2 : --- - --- + ---, if (omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) <= glob_small_float) rm4 rm3 rm2 or (omniabs(dr1) <= glob_small_float) then (array_complex_pole : 2, 1 glob_large_float, array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 else (if omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) > glob_small_float dr1 dr2 - ds2 dr1 + ds1 dr2 then (rcs : ---------------------------, nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1 rcs nr1 - ds1 convfloat(m) ord_no : ------------- - ------------, 2.0 dr1 2.0 if omniabs(rcs) > glob_small_float then (if rcs > 0.0 then rad_c : sqrt(rcs) omniabs(glob_h) else rad_c : glob_large_float) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)), array_complex_pole : rad_c, array_complex_pole : ord_no), 2, 1 2, 2 found : false, if (not found) and ((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 1, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float)) 1, 1 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 0.0)) 1, 1 1, 2 then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 2, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 1 and (array_real_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_real_pole > 0.0) 1, 2 1, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole <= 0.0) or (array_complex_pole <= 1, 2 1, 1 1, 2 1, 1 1, 2 0.0))) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and (((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 1, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float))) 1, 1 1, 2 then (array_poles : glob_large_float, array_poles : glob_large_float, 1, 1 1, 2 found : true, array_type_pole : 3, if reached_interval() 1 then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole < array_complex_pole ) 1, 1 1, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and (array_real_pole > 1, 1 1, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 1 and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 2 and (array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 1, 1 1, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , array_type_pole : 2, found : true, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if not found then (array_poles : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_poles : glob_large_float, array_type_pole : 3, 1, 2 1 if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), found : false, if (not found) and ((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 2, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float)) 2, 1 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 0.0)) 2, 1 2, 2 then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 2, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 1 and (array_real_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_real_pole > 0.0) 2, 2 2, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole <= 0.0) or (array_complex_pole <= 2, 2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 1 2, 2 0.0))) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and (((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 2, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float))) 2, 1 2, 2 then (array_poles : glob_large_float, array_poles : glob_large_float, 2, 1 2, 2 found : true, array_type_pole : 3, if reached_interval() 2 then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole < array_complex_pole ) 2, 1 2, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and (array_real_pole > 2, 1 2, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 1 and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 2 and (array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 2, 1 2, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , array_type_pole : 2, found : true, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if not found then (array_poles : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_poles : glob_large_float, array_type_pole : 3, 2, 2 2 if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), array_pole : glob_large_float, array_pole : glob_large_float, 1 2 if array_pole > array_poles then (array_pole : array_poles , 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 array_pole : array_poles ), if array_pole > array_poles 2 1, 2 1 2, 1 then (array_pole : array_poles , array_pole : array_poles ), 1 2, 1 2 2, 2 if array_pole glob_ratio_of_radius < omniabs(glob_h) 1 then (h_new : array_pole glob_ratio_of_radius, term : 1, ratio : 1.0, 1 while term <= glob_max_terms do (array_y2 : array_y2 ratio, term term array_y2_higher : array_y2_higher ratio, 1, term 1, term array_x : array_x ratio, array_y1 : array_y1 ratio, term term term term array_y1_higher : array_y1_higher ratio, 1, term 1, term ratio h_new array_x : array_x ratio, ratio : ---------------, term : 1 + term), term term omniabs(glob_h) glob_h : h_new), if reached_interval() then display_pole()) (%o10) check_for_pole() := block([cnt, dr1, dr2, ds1, ds2, hdrc, m, n, nr1, nr2, ord_no, rad_c, rcs, rm0, rm1, rm2, rm3, rm4, found, h_new, ratio, term], n : glob_max_terms, m : - 1 - 3 + n, while (m >= 10) and ((omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) < glob_small_float)) do m 1, m - 2 array_y2_higher 1, m : m - 1, if m > 10 then (rm0 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 rm1 : -----------------------, hdrc : convfloat(m - 1) rm0 array_y2_higher 1, m - 2 - convfloat(m - 2) rm1, if omniabs(hdrc) > glob_small_float glob_h convfloat(m - 1) rm0 then (rcs : ------, ord_no : 2.0 - convfloat(m) + --------------------, hdrc hdrc array_real_pole : rcs, array_real_pole : ord_no) 1, 1 1, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float)) 1, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float), n : glob_max_terms, m : - 1 - 1 + n, 1, 2 while (m >= 10) and ((omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) < glob_small_float)) do m 1, m - 2 array_y1_higher 1, m : m - 1, if m > 10 then (rm0 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 rm1 : -----------------------, hdrc : convfloat(m - 1) rm0 array_y1_higher 1, m - 2 - convfloat(m - 2) rm1, if omniabs(hdrc) > glob_small_float glob_h convfloat(m - 1) rm0 then (rcs : ------, ord_no : 2.0 - convfloat(m) + --------------------, hdrc hdrc array_real_pole : rcs, array_real_pole : ord_no) 2, 1 2, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float)) 2, 2 else (array_real_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_real_pole : glob_large_float), n : - 1 - 3 + glob_max_terms, 2, 2 cnt : 0, while (cnt < 5) and (n >= 10) do (if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > 1, n glob_small_float then cnt : 1 + cnt else cnt : 0, n : n - 1), m : cnt + n, if m <= 10 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 elseif (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 2 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 3 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 4 or (omniabs(array_y2_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 5 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m 1, m - 1 else (rm0 : -----------------------, rm1 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 1 1, m - 2 array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 2 1, m - 3 rm2 : -----------------------, rm3 : -----------------------, array_y2_higher array_y2_higher 1, m - 3 1, m - 4 array_y2_higher 1, m - 4 rm4 : -----------------------, nr1 : convfloat(m - 3) rm2 array_y2_higher 1, m - 5 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 2) rm1 + convfloat(m - 1) rm0, nr2 : convfloat(m - 4) rm3 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 3) rm2 + convfloat(m - 2) rm1, - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 dr1 : ----- + --- + -----, dr2 : ----- + --- + -----, ds1 : --- - --- + ---, rm3 rm2 rm1 rm4 rm3 rm2 rm3 rm2 rm1 5.0 8.0 3.0 ds2 : --- - --- + ---, if (omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) <= glob_small_float) rm4 rm3 rm2 or (omniabs(dr1) <= glob_small_float) then (array_complex_pole : 1, 1 glob_large_float, array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 1, 2 else (if omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) > glob_small_float dr1 dr2 - ds2 dr1 + ds1 dr2 then (rcs : ---------------------------, nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1 rcs nr1 - ds1 convfloat(m) ord_no : ------------- - ------------, 2.0 dr1 2.0 if omniabs(rcs) > glob_small_float then (if rcs > 0.0 then rad_c : sqrt(rcs) omniabs(glob_h) else rad_c : glob_large_float) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)), array_complex_pole : rad_c, array_complex_pole : ord_no), 1, 1 1, 2 n : - 1 - 1 + glob_max_terms, cnt : 0, while (cnt < 5) and (n >= 10) do (if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > 1, n glob_small_float then cnt : 1 + cnt else cnt : 0, n : n - 1), m : cnt + n, if m <= 10 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 elseif (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 1 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 2 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 3 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 4 or (omniabs(array_y1_higher ) >= glob_large_float) 1, m - 5 then (array_complex_pole : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m 1, m - 1 else (rm0 : -----------------------, rm1 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 1 1, m - 2 array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 2 1, m - 3 rm2 : -----------------------, rm3 : -----------------------, array_y1_higher array_y1_higher 1, m - 3 1, m - 4 array_y1_higher 1, m - 4 rm4 : -----------------------, nr1 : convfloat(m - 3) rm2 array_y1_higher 1, m - 5 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 2) rm1 + convfloat(m - 1) rm0, nr2 : convfloat(m - 4) rm3 - 2.0 convfloat(m - 3) rm2 + convfloat(m - 2) rm1, - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 - 1.0 2.0 - 1.0 5.0 8.0 3.0 dr1 : ----- + --- + -----, dr2 : ----- + --- + -----, ds1 : --- - --- + ---, rm3 rm2 rm1 rm4 rm3 rm2 rm3 rm2 rm1 5.0 8.0 3.0 ds2 : --- - --- + ---, if (omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) <= glob_small_float) rm4 rm3 rm2 or (omniabs(dr1) <= glob_small_float) then (array_complex_pole : 2, 1 glob_large_float, array_complex_pole : glob_large_float) 2, 2 else (if omniabs(nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1) > glob_small_float dr1 dr2 - ds2 dr1 + ds1 dr2 then (rcs : ---------------------------, nr1 dr2 - nr2 dr1 rcs nr1 - ds1 convfloat(m) ord_no : ------------- - ------------, 2.0 dr1 2.0 if omniabs(rcs) > glob_small_float then (if rcs > 0.0 then rad_c : sqrt(rcs) omniabs(glob_h) else rad_c : glob_large_float) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)) else (rad_c : glob_large_float, ord_no : glob_large_float)), array_complex_pole : rad_c, array_complex_pole : ord_no), 2, 1 2, 2 found : false, if (not found) and ((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 1, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float)) 1, 1 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 0.0)) 1, 1 1, 2 then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 2, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 1 and (array_real_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_real_pole > 0.0) 1, 2 1, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole <= 0.0) or (array_complex_pole <= 1, 2 1, 1 1, 2 1, 1 1, 2 0.0))) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and (((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 1, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 1, 2 and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float))) 1, 1 1, 2 then (array_poles : glob_large_float, array_poles : glob_large_float, 1, 1 1, 2 found : true, array_type_pole : 3, if reached_interval() 1 then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole < array_complex_pole ) 1, 1 1, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and (array_real_pole > 1, 1 1, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 1 and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 1, 2 and (array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 1, 1 1, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 1, 1 1, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , array_type_pole : 2, found : true, 1, 2 1, 2 1 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if not found then (array_poles : glob_large_float, 1, 1 array_poles : glob_large_float, array_type_pole : 3, 1, 2 1 if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), found : false, if (not found) and ((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 2, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float)) 2, 1 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 0.0)) 2, 1 2, 2 then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 2, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 1 and (array_real_pole # glob_large_float) and (array_real_pole > 0.0) 2, 2 2, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole <= 0.0) or (array_complex_pole <= 2, 2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 1 2, 2 0.0))) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and (((array_real_pole = glob_large_float) 2, 1 or (array_real_pole = glob_large_float)) 2, 2 and ((array_complex_pole = glob_large_float) or (array_complex_pole = glob_large_float))) 2, 1 2, 2 then (array_poles : glob_large_float, array_poles : glob_large_float, 2, 1 2, 2 found : true, array_type_pole : 3, if reached_interval() 2 then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), if (not found) and ((array_real_pole < array_complex_pole ) 2, 1 2, 1 and (array_real_pole > 0.0) and (array_real_pole > 2, 1 2, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_real_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_real_pole , found : true, array_type_pole : 1, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Real estimate of pole used"))), if (not found) and ((array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 1 and (array_complex_pole # glob_large_float) 2, 2 and (array_complex_pole > 0.0) and (array_complex_pole > 2, 1 2, 2 0.0)) then (array_poles : array_complex_pole , 2, 1 2, 1 array_poles : array_complex_pole , array_type_pole : 2, found : true, 2, 2 2, 2 2 if glob_display_flag then (if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Complex estimate of poles used"))), if not found then (array_poles : glob_large_float, 2, 1 array_poles : glob_large_float, array_type_pole : 3, 2, 2 2 if reached_interval() then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "NO POLE")), array_pole : glob_large_float, array_pole : glob_large_float, 1 2 if array_pole > array_poles then (array_pole : array_poles , 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 array_pole : array_poles ), if array_pole > array_poles 2 1, 2 1 2, 1 then (array_pole : array_poles , array_pole : array_poles ), 1 2, 1 2 2, 2 if array_pole glob_ratio_of_radius < omniabs(glob_h) 1 then (h_new : array_pole glob_ratio_of_radius, term : 1, ratio : 1.0, 1 while term <= glob_max_terms do (array_y2 : array_y2 ratio, term term array_y2_higher : array_y2_higher ratio, 1, term 1, term array_x : array_x ratio, array_y1 : array_y1 ratio, term term term term array_y1_higher : array_y1_higher ratio, 1, term 1, term ratio h_new array_x : array_x ratio, ratio : ---------------, term : 1 + term), term term omniabs(glob_h) glob_h : h_new), if reached_interval() then display_pole()) (%i11) get_norms() := block([iii], if not glob_initial_pass then (iii : 1, while iii <= glob_max_terms do (array_norms : 0.0, iii iii : 1 + iii), iii : 1, while iii <= glob_max_terms do (if omniabs(array_y2 ) > array_norms iii iii then array_norms : omniabs(array_y2 ), iii : 1 + iii), iii : 1, iii iii while iii <= glob_max_terms do (if omniabs(array_y1 ) > array_norms iii iii then array_norms : omniabs(array_y1 ), iii : 1 + iii))) iii iii (%o11) get_norms() := block([iii], if not glob_initial_pass then (iii : 1, while iii <= glob_max_terms do (array_norms : 0.0, iii iii : 1 + iii), iii : 1, while iii <= glob_max_terms do (if omniabs(array_y2 ) > array_norms iii iii then array_norms : omniabs(array_y2 ), iii : 1 + iii), iii : 1, iii iii while iii <= glob_max_terms do (if omniabs(array_y1 ) > array_norms iii iii then array_norms : omniabs(array_y1 ), iii : 1 + iii))) iii iii (%i12) atomall() := block([kkk, order_d, adj2, adj3, temporary, term, temp, temp2], array_tmp1 : cos(array_x ), array_tmp1_g : sin(array_x ), 1 1 1 1 array_tmp2 : array_m1 array_tmp1 , array_tmp3 : 1 1 1 1 array_tmp2 + array_const_0D0 , if not array_y2_set_initial 1 1 1, 4 then (if 1 <= glob_max_terms then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(0, 3), array_y2 : temporary, 1 4 temporary 2.0 array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : -------------, 1, 4 glob_h temporary array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 2, 3 glob_h temporary array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 3, 2 glob_h array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 2, 4, 1 array_tmp5 : array_m1 array_y2 , array_tmp6 : 1 1 1 1 array_const_1D0 + array_tmp5 , if not array_y1_set_initial 1 1 2, 2 then (if 1 <= glob_max_terms then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(0, 1), array_y1 : temporary, 1 2 temporary array_y1_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 1, 2 glob_h array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 2, 2, 1 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 1 2 1 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 2 1 2 1 array_tmp2 : ats(2, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 2 2 2 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 2 <= glob_max_terms 1, 5 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(1, 4), 2 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 5 1, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 3 temporary temporary : ---------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 3, glob_h 4, 2 array_tmp5 : ats(2, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 2 2 2 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 2 <= glob_max_terms 2, 3 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(1, 2), 2 temporary array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 3 1, 3 glob_h array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 3, 2, 2 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 2 2 2 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 3 2 3 2 array_tmp2 : ats(3, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 3 3 3 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 3 <= glob_max_terms 1, 6 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(2, 5), 3 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 6 1, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 4, glob_h 4, 3 array_tmp5 : ats(3, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 3 3 3 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 3 <= glob_max_terms 2, 4 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(2, 3), 3 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 4 1, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 4, glob_h 2, 3 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 3 2 3 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 4 3 4 3 array_tmp2 : ats(4, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 4 4 4 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 4 <= glob_max_terms 1, 7 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(3, 6), 4 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 7 1, 7 temporary 5.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 5, glob_h 4, 4 array_tmp5 : ats(4, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 4 4 4 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 4 <= glob_max_terms 2, 5 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(3, 4), 4 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 5 1, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 5, glob_h 2, 4 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 4 2 4 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 5 4 5 4 array_tmp2 : ats(5, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 5 5 5 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 5 <= glob_max_terms 1, 8 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(4, 7), 5 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 8 1, 8 temporary 6.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 7 temporary 5.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 6, glob_h 4, 5 array_tmp5 : ats(5, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 5 5 5 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 5 <= glob_max_terms 2, 6 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(4, 5), 5 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 6 1, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 6, glob_h 2, 5 while kkk <= glob_max_terms do (array_tmp1 : kkk - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x kkk - 1 2 kkk - 1 2 ------------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------------, kkk - 1 kkk kkk - 1 array_tmp2 : ats(kkk, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), kkk array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , order_d : 3, kkk kkk if 1 + order_d + kkk <= glob_max_terms then (if not array_y2_set_initial 1, order_d + kkk array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, order_d) kkk then (temporary : -----------------------------------------, factorial_3(kkk - 1, - 1 + order_d + kkk) array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : order_d + kkk 1, order_d + kkk temporary, term : - 1 + order_d + kkk, adj2 : - 2 + order_d + kkk, adj3 : 2, while term >= 1 do (if adj3 <= 1 + order_d temporary convfp(adj2) then (if adj2 > 1 then temporary : ---------------------- glob_h temporary else temporary : ---------, array_y2_higher : temporary), glob_h adj3, term term : term - 1, adj2 : adj2 - 1, adj3 : 1 + adj3))), array_tmp5 : ats(kkk, array_m1, array_y2, 1), kkk array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , order_d : 1, kkk kkk if 1 + order_d + kkk <= glob_max_terms then (if not array_y1_set_initial 2, order_d + kkk array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, order_d) kkk then (temporary : -----------------------------------------, factorial_3(kkk - 1, - 1 + order_d + kkk) array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : order_d + kkk 1, order_d + kkk temporary, term : - 1 + order_d + kkk, adj2 : - 2 + order_d + kkk, adj3 : 2, while term >= 1 do (if adj3 <= 1 + order_d temporary convfp(adj2) then (if adj2 > 1 then temporary : ---------------------- glob_h temporary else temporary : ---------, array_y1_higher : temporary), glob_h adj3, term term : term - 1, adj2 : adj2 - 1, adj3 : 1 + adj3))), kkk : 1 + kkk)) (%o12) atomall() := block([kkk, order_d, adj2, adj3, temporary, term, temp, temp2], array_tmp1 : cos(array_x ), array_tmp1_g : sin(array_x ), 1 1 1 1 array_tmp2 : array_m1 array_tmp1 , array_tmp3 : 1 1 1 1 array_tmp2 + array_const_0D0 , if not array_y2_set_initial 1 1 1, 4 then (if 1 <= glob_max_terms then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(0, 3), array_y2 : temporary, 1 4 temporary 2.0 array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : -------------, 1, 4 glob_h temporary array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 2, 3 glob_h temporary array_y2_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 3, 2 glob_h array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 2, 4, 1 array_tmp5 : array_m1 array_y2 , array_tmp6 : 1 1 1 1 array_const_1D0 + array_tmp5 , if not array_y1_set_initial 1 1 2, 2 then (if 1 <= glob_max_terms then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(0, 1), array_y1 : temporary, 1 2 temporary array_y1_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 1, 2 glob_h array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 2, 2, 1 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 1 2 1 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 2 1 2 1 array_tmp2 : ats(2, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 2 2 2 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 2 <= glob_max_terms 1, 5 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(1, 4), 2 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 5 1, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 3 temporary temporary : ---------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 3, glob_h 4, 2 array_tmp5 : ats(2, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 2 2 2 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 2 <= glob_max_terms 2, 3 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(1, 2), 2 temporary array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, temporary : ---------, 3 1, 3 glob_h array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 3, 2, 2 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 2 2 2 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 3 2 3 2 array_tmp2 : ats(3, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 3 3 3 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 3 <= glob_max_terms 1, 6 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(2, 5), 3 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 6 1, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 4, glob_h 4, 3 array_tmp5 : ats(3, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 3 3 3 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 3 <= glob_max_terms 2, 4 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(2, 3), 3 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 4 1, 4 temporary 2.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 4, glob_h 2, 3 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 3 2 3 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 4 3 4 3 array_tmp2 : ats(4, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 4 4 4 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 4 <= glob_max_terms 1, 7 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(3, 6), 4 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 7 1, 7 temporary 5.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 5, glob_h 4, 4 array_tmp5 : ats(4, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 4 4 4 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 4 <= glob_max_terms 2, 5 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(3, 4), 4 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 5 1, 5 temporary 3.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 5, glob_h 2, 4 - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x 4 2 4 2 array_tmp1 : ------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------, 5 4 5 4 array_tmp2 : ats(5, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , 5 5 5 if not array_y2_set_initial then (if 5 <= glob_max_terms 1, 8 then (temporary : array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, 3) factorial_3(4, 7), 5 array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : temporary, 8 1, 8 temporary 6.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 2, 7 temporary 5.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, glob_h 3, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y2_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 6, glob_h 4, 5 array_tmp5 : ats(5, array_m1, array_y2, 1), array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , 5 5 5 if not array_y1_set_initial then (if 5 <= glob_max_terms 2, 6 then (temporary : array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, 1) factorial_3(4, 5), 5 array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : temporary, 6 1, 6 temporary 4.0 temporary : -------------, array_y1_higher : temporary, 0)), kkk : 6, glob_h 2, 5 while kkk <= glob_max_terms do (array_tmp1 : kkk - array_tmp1_g array_x array_tmp1 array_x kkk - 1 2 kkk - 1 2 ------------------------------, array_tmp1_g : --------------------------, kkk - 1 kkk kkk - 1 array_tmp2 : ats(kkk, array_m1, array_tmp1, 1), kkk array_tmp3 : array_tmp2 , order_d : 3, kkk kkk if 1 + order_d + kkk <= glob_max_terms then (if not array_y2_set_initial 1, order_d + kkk array_tmp3 expt(glob_h, order_d) kkk then (temporary : -----------------------------------------, factorial_3(kkk - 1, - 1 + order_d + kkk) array_y2 : temporary, array_y2_higher : order_d + kkk 1, order_d + kkk temporary, term : - 1 + order_d + kkk, adj2 : - 2 + order_d + kkk, adj3 : 2, while term >= 1 do (if adj3 <= 1 + order_d temporary convfp(adj2) then (if adj2 > 1 then temporary : ---------------------- glob_h temporary else temporary : ---------, array_y2_higher : temporary), glob_h adj3, term term : term - 1, adj2 : adj2 - 1, adj3 : 1 + adj3))), array_tmp5 : ats(kkk, array_m1, array_y2, 1), kkk array_tmp6 : array_tmp5 , order_d : 1, kkk kkk if 1 + order_d + kkk <= glob_max_terms then (if not array_y1_set_initial 2, order_d + kkk array_tmp6 expt(glob_h, order_d) kkk then (temporary : -----------------------------------------, factorial_3(kkk - 1, - 1 + order_d + kkk) array_y1 : temporary, array_y1_higher : order_d + kkk 1, order_d + kkk temporary, term : - 1 + order_d + kkk, adj2 : - 2 + order_d + kkk, adj3 : 2, while term >= 1 do (if adj3 <= 1 + order_d temporary convfp(adj2) then (if adj2 > 1 then temporary : ---------------------- glob_h temporary else temporary : ---------, array_y1_higher : temporary), glob_h adj3, term term : term - 1, adj2 : adj2 - 1, adj3 : 1 + adj3))), kkk : 1 + kkk)) log(x) (%i13) log10(x) := --------- log(10.0) log(x) (%o13) log10(x) := --------- log(10.0) (%i14) omniout_str(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a~%", string(str)) (%o14) omniout_str(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a~%", string(str)) (%i15) omniout_str_noeol(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a", string(str)) (%o15) omniout_str_noeol(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a", string(str)) (%i16) omniout_labstr(iolevel, label, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a = ~a~%", string(label), string(str)) (%o16) omniout_labstr(iolevel, label, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then printf(true, "~a = ~a~%", string(label), string(str)) (%i17) omniout_float(iolevel, prelabel, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (if vallen = 4 then printf(true, "~a = ~g ~s ~%", prelabel, value, postlabel) else printf(true, "~a = ~g ~s ~%", prelabel, value, postlabel)) (%o17) omniout_float(iolevel, prelabel, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (if vallen = 4 then printf(true, "~a = ~g ~s ~%", prelabel, value, postlabel) else printf(true, "~a = ~g ~s ~%", prelabel, value, postlabel)) (%i18) omniout_int(iolevel, prelabel, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (printf(true, "~a = ~d ~a~%", prelabel, value, postlabel), newline()) (%o18) omniout_int(iolevel, prelabel, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (printf(true, "~a = ~d ~a~%", prelabel, value, postlabel), newline()) (%i19) omniout_float_arr(iolevel, prelabel, elemnt, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (sprint(prelabel, "[", elemnt, "]=", value, postlabel), newline()) (%o19) omniout_float_arr(iolevel, prelabel, elemnt, prelen, value, vallen, postlabel) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (sprint(prelabel, "[", elemnt, "]=", value, postlabel), newline()) (%i20) dump_series(iolevel, dump_label, series_name, arr_series, numb) := block([i], if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (i : 1, while i <= numb do (sprint(dump_label, series_name, "i = ", i, "series = ", array_series ), newline(), i : 1 + i))) i (%o20) dump_series(iolevel, dump_label, series_name, arr_series, numb) := block([i], if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (i : 1, while i <= numb do (sprint(dump_label, series_name, "i = ", i, "series = ", array_series ), newline(), i : 1 + i))) i (%i21) dump_series_2(iolevel, dump_label, series_name2, arr_series2, numb, subnum, arr_x) := (array_series2, numb, subnum) := block([i, sub, ts_term], if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (sub : 1, while sub <= subnum do (i : 1, while i <= num do (sprint(dump_label, series_name, "sub = ", sub, "i = ", i, "series2 = ", array_series2 ), i : 1 + i), sub : 1 + sub))) sub, i (%o21) dump_series_2(iolevel, dump_label, series_name2, arr_series2, numb, subnum, arr_x) := (array_series2, numb, subnum) := block([i, sub, ts_term], if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then (sub : 1, while sub <= subnum do (i : 1, while i <= num do (sprint(dump_label, series_name, "sub = ", sub, "i = ", i, "series2 = ", array_series2 ), i : 1 + i), sub : 1 + sub))) sub, i (%i22) cs_info(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then sprint(concat("cs_info ", str, " glob_correct_start_flag = ", glob_correct_start_flag, "glob_h := ", glob_h, "glob_reached_optimal_h := ", glob_reached_optimal_h)) (%o22) cs_info(iolevel, str) := if glob_iolevel >= iolevel then sprint(concat("cs_info ", str, " glob_correct_start_flag = ", glob_correct_start_flag, "glob_h := ", glob_h, "glob_reached_optimal_h := ", glob_reached_optimal_h)) (%i23) logitem_time(fd, secs_in) := block([days, days_int, hours, hours_int, minutes, minutes_int, sec_int, seconds, secs, years, years_int], secs : convfloat(secs_in), printf(fd, "~%"), secs if secs >= 0 then (years_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_year sec_temp : mod(trunc(secs), trunc(glob_sec_in_year)), sec_temp days_int : trunc(---------------), sec_temp : glob_sec_in_day sec_temp mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_day)), hours_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_hour sec_temp : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_hour)), sec_temp minutes_int : trunc(------------------), glob_sec_in_minute sec_int : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_minute)), if years_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Years ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", years_int, days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif days_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif hours_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif minutes_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", minutes_int, sec_int) else printf(fd, "= ~d Seconds~%", sec_int)) else printf(fd, " Unknown~%"), printf(fd, "~%")) (%o23) logitem_time(fd, secs_in) := block([days, days_int, hours, hours_int, minutes, minutes_int, sec_int, seconds, secs, years, years_int], secs : convfloat(secs_in), printf(fd, "~%"), secs if secs >= 0 then (years_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_year sec_temp : mod(trunc(secs), trunc(glob_sec_in_year)), sec_temp days_int : trunc(---------------), sec_temp : glob_sec_in_day sec_temp mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_day)), hours_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_hour sec_temp : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_hour)), sec_temp minutes_int : trunc(------------------), glob_sec_in_minute sec_int : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_minute)), if years_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Years ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", years_int, days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif days_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif hours_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif minutes_int > 0 then printf(fd, "= ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", minutes_int, sec_int) else printf(fd, "= ~d Seconds~%", sec_int)) else printf(fd, " Unknown~%"), printf(fd, "~%")) (%i24) omniout_timestr(secs_in) := block([days, days_int, hours, hours_int, minutes, minutes_int, sec_int, seconds, secs, years, years_int], secs : convfloat(secs_in), if secs >= 0 secs then (years_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_year sec_temp : mod(trunc(secs), trunc(glob_sec_in_year)), sec_temp days_int : trunc(---------------), sec_temp : glob_sec_in_day sec_temp mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_day)), hours_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_hour sec_temp : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_hour)), sec_temp minutes_int : trunc(------------------), glob_sec_in_minute sec_int : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_minute)), if years_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Years ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", years_int, days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif days_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif hours_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif minutes_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", minutes_int, sec_int) else printf(true, "= ~d Seconds~%", sec_int)) else printf(true, " Unknown~%")) (%o24) omniout_timestr(secs_in) := block([days, days_int, hours, hours_int, minutes, minutes_int, sec_int, seconds, secs, years, years_int], secs : convfloat(secs_in), if secs >= 0 secs then (years_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_year sec_temp : mod(trunc(secs), trunc(glob_sec_in_year)), sec_temp days_int : trunc(---------------), sec_temp : glob_sec_in_day sec_temp mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_day)), hours_int : trunc(----------------), glob_sec_in_hour sec_temp : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_hour)), sec_temp minutes_int : trunc(------------------), glob_sec_in_minute sec_int : mod(sec_temp, trunc(glob_sec_in_minute)), if years_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Years ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", years_int, days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif days_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Days ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", days_int, hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif hours_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Hours ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", hours_int, minutes_int, sec_int) elseif minutes_int > 0 then printf(true, "= ~d Minutes ~d Seconds~%", minutes_int, sec_int) else printf(true, "= ~d Seconds~%", sec_int)) else printf(true, " Unknown~%")) (%i25) ats(mmm_ats, arr_a, arr_b, jjj_ats) := block([iii_ats, lll_ats, ma_ats, ret_ats], ret_ats : 0.0, if jjj_ats <= mmm_ats then (ma_ats : 1 + mmm_ats, iii_ats : jjj_ats, while iii_ats <= mmm_ats do (lll_ats : ma_ats - iii_ats, ret_ats : arr_a arr_b + ret_ats, iii_ats : 1 + iii_ats)), iii_ats lll_ats ret_ats) (%o25) ats(mmm_ats, arr_a, arr_b, jjj_ats) := block([iii_ats, lll_ats, ma_ats, ret_ats], ret_ats : 0.0, if jjj_ats <= mmm_ats then (ma_ats : 1 + mmm_ats, iii_ats : jjj_ats, while iii_ats <= mmm_ats do (lll_ats : ma_ats - iii_ats, ret_ats : arr_a arr_b + ret_ats, iii_ats : 1 + iii_ats)), iii_ats lll_ats ret_ats) (%i26) att(mmm_att, arr_aa, arr_bb, jjj_att) := block([al_att, iii_att, lll_att, ma_att, ret_att], ret_att : 0.0, if jjj_att <= mmm_att then (ma_att : 2 + mmm_att, iii_att : jjj_att, while iii_att <= mmm_att do (lll_att : ma_att - iii_att, al_att : lll_att - 1, if lll_att <= glob_max_terms then ret_att : arr_aa arr_bb convfp(al_att) + ret_att, iii_att lll_att ret_att iii_att : 1 + iii_att), ret_att : ---------------), ret_att) convfp(mmm_att) (%o26) att(mmm_att, arr_aa, arr_bb, jjj_att) := block([al_att, iii_att, lll_att, ma_att, ret_att], ret_att : 0.0, if jjj_att <= mmm_att then (ma_att : 2 + mmm_att, iii_att : jjj_att, while iii_att <= mmm_att do (lll_att : ma_att - iii_att, al_att : lll_att - 1, if lll_att <= glob_max_terms then ret_att : arr_aa arr_bb convfp(al_att) + ret_att, iii_att lll_att ret_att iii_att : 1 + iii_att), ret_att : ---------------), ret_att) convfp(mmm_att) (%i27) display_pole() := if (array_pole # glob_large_float) 1 and (array_pole > 0.0) and (array_pole # glob_large_float) 1 2 and (array_pole > 0.0) and glob_display_flag 2 then (omniout_float(ALWAYS, "Radius of convergence ", 4, array_pole , 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, 1 "Order of pole ", 4, array_pole , 4, " ")) 2 (%o27) display_pole() := if (array_pole # glob_large_float) 1 and (array_pole > 0.0) and (array_pole # glob_large_float) 1 2 and (array_pole > 0.0) and glob_display_flag 2 then (omniout_float(ALWAYS, "Radius of convergence ", 4, array_pole , 4, " "), omniout_float(ALWAYS, 1 "Order of pole ", 4, array_pole , 4, " ")) 2 (%i28) logditto(file) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "ditto"), printf(file, "")) (%o28) logditto(file) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "ditto"), printf(file, "")) (%i29) logitem_integer(file, n) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "~d", n), printf(file, "")) (%o29) logitem_integer(file, n) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "~d", n), printf(file, "")) (%i30) logitem_str(file, str) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, str), printf(file, "")) (%o30) logitem_str(file, str) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, str), printf(file, "")) (%i31) logitem_good_digits(file, rel_error) := block([good_digits], printf(file, ""), if rel_error # - 1.0 then (if rel_error # 0.0 then (good_digits : 1 - floor(log10(rel_error)), printf(file, "~d", good_digits)) else (good_digits : 16, printf(file, "~d", good_digits))) else printf(file, "Unknown"), printf(file, "")) (%o31) logitem_good_digits(file, rel_error) := block([good_digits], printf(file, ""), if rel_error # - 1.0 then (if rel_error # 0.0 then (good_digits : 1 - floor(log10(rel_error)), printf(file, "~d", good_digits)) else (good_digits : 16, printf(file, "~d", good_digits))) else printf(file, "Unknown"), printf(file, "")) (%i32) log_revs(file, revs) := printf(file, revs) (%o32) log_revs(file, revs) := printf(file, revs) (%i33) logitem_float(file, x) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "~g", x), printf(file, "")) (%o33) logitem_float(file, x) := (printf(file, ""), printf(file, "~g", x), printf(file, "")) (%i34) logitem_pole(file, pole) := (printf(file, ""), if pole = 0 then printf(file, "NA") elseif pole = 1 then printf(file, "Real") elseif pole = 2 then printf(file, "Complex") else printf(file, "No Pole"), printf(file, "")) (%o34) logitem_pole(file, pole) := (printf(file, ""), if pole = 0 then printf(file, "NA") elseif pole = 1 then printf(file, "Real") elseif pole = 2 then printf(file, "Complex") else printf(file, "No Pole"), printf(file, "")) (%i35) logstart(file) := printf(file, "") (%o35) logstart(file) := printf(file, "") (%i36) logend(file) := printf(file, "~%") (%o36) logend(file) := printf(file, "~%") (%i37) chk_data() := block([errflag], errflag : false, if (glob_max_terms < 15) or (glob_max_terms > 512) then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Illegal max_terms = -- Using 30"), glob_max_terms : 30), if glob_max_iter < 2 then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Illegal max_iter"), errflag : true), if errflag then quit()) (%o37) chk_data() := block([errflag], errflag : false, if (glob_max_terms < 15) or (glob_max_terms > 512) then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Illegal max_terms = -- Using 30"), glob_max_terms : 30), if glob_max_iter < 2 then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Illegal max_iter"), errflag : true), if errflag then quit()) (%i38) comp_expect_sec(t_end2, t_start2, t2, clock_sec2) := block([ms2, rrr, sec_left, sub1, sub2], ms2 : clock_sec2, sub1 : t_end2 - t_start2, sub2 : t2 - t_start2, if sub1 = 0.0 then sec_left : 0.0 else (if sub2 > 0.0 sub1 then (rrr : ----, sec_left : rrr ms2 - ms2) else sec_left : 0.0), sec_left) sub2 (%o38) comp_expect_sec(t_end2, t_start2, t2, clock_sec2) := block([ms2, rrr, sec_left, sub1, sub2], ms2 : clock_sec2, sub1 : t_end2 - t_start2, sub2 : t2 - t_start2, if sub1 = 0.0 then sec_left : 0.0 else (if sub2 > 0.0 sub1 then (rrr : ----, sec_left : rrr ms2 - ms2) else sec_left : 0.0), sec_left) sub2 (%i39) comp_percent(t_end2, t_start2, t2) := block([rrr, sub1, sub2], sub1 : t_end2 - t_start2, sub2 : t2 - t_start2, 100.0 sub2 if sub2 > glob_small_float then rrr : ---------- else rrr : 0.0, rrr) sub1 (%o39) comp_percent(t_end2, t_start2, t2) := block([rrr, sub1, sub2], sub1 : t_end2 - t_start2, sub2 : t2 - t_start2, 100.0 sub2 if sub2 > glob_small_float then rrr : ---------- else rrr : 0.0, rrr) sub1 (%i40) factorial_2(nnn) := nnn! (%o40) factorial_2(nnn) := nnn! (%i41) factorial_1(nnn) := block([ret], if nnn <= glob_max_terms then (if array_fact_1 = 0 nnn then (ret : factorial_2(nnn), array_fact_1 : ret) nnn else ret : array_fact_1 ) else ret : factorial_2(nnn), ret) nnn (%o41) factorial_1(nnn) := block([ret], if nnn <= glob_max_terms then (if array_fact_1 = 0 nnn then (ret : factorial_2(nnn), array_fact_1 : ret) nnn else ret : array_fact_1 ) else ret : factorial_2(nnn), ret) nnn (%i42) factorial_3(mmm, nnn) := block([ret], if (nnn <= glob_max_terms) and (mmm <= glob_max_terms) factorial_1(mmm) then (if array_fact_2 = 0 then (ret : ----------------, mmm, nnn factorial_1(nnn) array_fact_2 : ret) else ret : array_fact_2 ) mmm, nnn mmm, nnn factorial_2(mmm) else ret : ----------------, ret) factorial_2(nnn) (%o42) factorial_3(mmm, nnn) := block([ret], if (nnn <= glob_max_terms) and (mmm <= glob_max_terms) factorial_1(mmm) then (if array_fact_2 = 0 then (ret : ----------------, mmm, nnn factorial_1(nnn) array_fact_2 : ret) else ret : array_fact_2 ) mmm, nnn mmm, nnn factorial_2(mmm) else ret : ----------------, ret) factorial_2(nnn) (%i43) convfp(mmm) := mmm (%o43) convfp(mmm) := mmm (%i44) convfloat(mmm) := mmm (%o44) convfloat(mmm) := mmm (%i45) elapsed_time_seconds() := block([t], t : elapsed_real_time(), t) (%o45) elapsed_time_seconds() := block([t], t : elapsed_real_time(), t) (%i46) arcsin(x) := asin(x) (%o46) arcsin(x) := asin(x) (%i47) arccos(x) := acos(x) (%o47) arccos(x) := acos(x) (%i48) arctan(x) := atan(x) (%o48) arctan(x) := atan(x) (%i49) omniabs(x) := abs(x) (%o49) omniabs(x) := abs(x) y (%i50) expt(x, y) := x y (%o50) expt(x, y) := x (%i51) estimated_needed_step_error(x_start, x_end, estimated_h, estimated_answer) := block([desired_abs_gbl_error, range, estimated_steps, step_error], omniout_float(ALWAYS, "glob_desired_digits_correct", 32, glob_desired_digits_correct, 32, ""), desired_abs_gbl_error : expt(10.0, - glob_desired_digits_correct) omniabs(estimated_answer), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "desired_abs_gbl_error", 32, desired_abs_gbl_error, 32, ""), range : x_end - x_start, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "range", 32, range, 32, range ""), estimated_steps : -----------, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "estimated_steps", estimated_h desired_abs_gbl_error 32, estimated_steps, 32, ""), step_error : omniabs(---------------------), estimated_steps omniout_float(ALWAYS, "step_error", 32, step_error, 32, ""), step_error) (%o51) estimated_needed_step_error(x_start, x_end, estimated_h, estimated_answer) := block([desired_abs_gbl_error, range, estimated_steps, step_error], omniout_float(ALWAYS, "glob_desired_digits_correct", 32, glob_desired_digits_correct, 32, ""), desired_abs_gbl_error : expt(10.0, - glob_desired_digits_correct) omniabs(estimated_answer), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "desired_abs_gbl_error", 32, desired_abs_gbl_error, 32, ""), range : x_end - x_start, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "range", 32, range, 32, range ""), estimated_steps : -----------, omniout_float(ALWAYS, "estimated_steps", estimated_h desired_abs_gbl_error 32, estimated_steps, 32, ""), step_error : omniabs(---------------------), estimated_steps omniout_float(ALWAYS, "step_error", 32, step_error, 32, ""), step_error) (%i52) exact_soln_y2(x) := block(cos(x) + 1.0) (%o52) exact_soln_y2(x) := block(cos(x) + 1.0) (%i53) exact_soln_y2p(x) := block(- sin(x)) (%o53) exact_soln_y2p(x) := block(- sin(x)) (%i54) exact_soln_y2pp(x) := block(- cos(x)) (%o54) exact_soln_y2pp(x) := block(- cos(x)) (%i55) exact_soln_y1(x) := block(1.0 - sin(x)) (%o55) exact_soln_y1(x) := block(1.0 - sin(x)) (%i56) main() := block([d1, d2, d3, d4, est_err_2, niii, done_once, term, ord, order_diff, term_no, html_log_file, iiif, jjjf, rows, r_order, sub_iter, calc_term, iii, temp_sum, current_iter, x_start, x_end, it, log10norm, max_terms, opt_iter, tmp, subiter, est_needed_step_err, value3, min_value, est_answer, best_h, found_h], define_variable(glob_max_terms, 30, fixnum), define_variable(glob_iolevel, 5, fixnum), define_variable(ALWAYS, 1, fixnum), define_variable(INFO, 2, fixnum), define_variable(DEBUGL, 3, fixnum), define_variable(DEBUGMASSIVE, 4, fixnum), define_variable(MAX_UNCHANGED, 10, fixnum), define_variable(glob_check_sign, 1.0, float), define_variable(glob_desired_digits_correct, 8.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_value3, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_ratio_of_radius, 0.01, float), define_variable(glob_percent_done, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_subiter_method, 3, fixnum), define_variable(glob_log10normmin, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_total_exp_sec, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_optimal_expect_sec, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_html_log, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_good_digits, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_max_opt_iter, 10, fixnum), define_variable(glob_dump, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_djd_debug, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_display_flag, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_djd_debug2, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_sec_in_minute, 60, fixnum), define_variable(glob_min_in_hour, 60, fixnum), define_variable(glob_hours_in_day, 24, fixnum), define_variable(glob_days_in_year, 365, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_hour, 3600, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_day, 86400, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_year, 31536000, fixnum), define_variable(glob_almost_1, 0.999, float), define_variable(glob_clock_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_clock_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_not_yet_finished, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_initial_pass, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_not_yet_start_msg, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_reached_optimal_h, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_optimal_done, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_disp_incr, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_h, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_hmax, 1.0, float), define_variable(glob_hmin, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_hmin_init, 0.001, float), define_variable(glob_large_float, 9.0E+100, float), define_variable(glob_last_good_h, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_look_poles, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_neg_h, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_display_interval, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_next_display, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_dump_analytic, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_log10_abserr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_log10_relerr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_abserr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_relerr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_max_hours, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_iter, 1000, fixnum), define_variable(glob_max_rel_trunc_err, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_max_trunc_err, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_no_eqs, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_optimal_clock_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_optimal_start, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_small_float, 1.0E-51, float), define_variable(glob_smallish_float, 1.0E-101, float), define_variable(glob_unchanged_h_cnt, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_warned, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_warned2, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_max_sec, 10000.0, float), define_variable(glob_orig_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_start, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_curr_iter_when_opt, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_current_iter, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_iter, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_normmax, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_log10abserr, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_log10relerr, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_minutes, 0.0, float), ALWAYS : 1, INFO : 2, DEBUGL : 3, DEBUGMASSIVE : 4, glob_iolevel : INFO, glob_orig_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), MAX_UNCHANGED : 10, glob_curr_iter_when_opt : 0, glob_display_flag : true, glob_no_eqs : 2, glob_iter : - 1, opt_iter : - 1, glob_max_iter : 50000, glob_max_hours : 0.0, glob_max_minutes : 15.0, omniout_str(ALWAYS, "##############ECHO OF PROBLEM#################"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "##############temp/mtest4postode.ode#################"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN FIRST INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Digits:32,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "max_terms:30,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END FIRST INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN SECOND INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "x_start:0.1,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "x_end:5.0,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_h:0.00001,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y1_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y1(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y2(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[1 + 1] : exact_soln_y2p(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[2 + 1] : exact_soln_y2pp(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_iter:20,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END SECOND INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN OVERRIDE BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_desired_digits_correct:10,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_display_interval:0.001,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_look_poles:true,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_iter:10000000,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_minutes:3,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END OVERRIDE BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN USER DEF BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2 (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " (1.0 + cos(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2p (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( -sin(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2pp (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( -cos(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y1 (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( 1.0 - sin(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, ""), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END USER DEF BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "#######END OF ECHO OF PROBLEM#################"), glob_unchanged_h_cnt : 0, glob_warned : false, glob_warned2 : false, glob_small_float : 1.0E-200, glob_smallish_float : 1.0E-64, glob_large_float : 1.0E+100, glob_almost_1 : 0.99, glob_log10_abserr : - 8.0, glob_log10_relerr : - 8.0, glob_hmax : 0.01, Digits : 32, max_terms : 30, glob_max_terms : max_terms, glob_html_log : true, array(array_y2_init, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_init, 1 + max_terms), array(array_norms, 1 + max_terms), array(array_fact_1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_pole, 1 + max_terms), array(array_1st_rel_error, 1 + max_terms), array(array_last_rel_error, 1 + max_terms), array(array_type_pole, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_x, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp0, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp1_g, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp5, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp6, 1 + max_terms), array(array_m1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher_work, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher_work2, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_set_initial, 1 + 3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher_work, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher_work2, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_set_initial, 1 + 3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_poles, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_real_pole, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_complex_pole, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_fact_2, 1 + max_terms, 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_init : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_init : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_norms : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term : 1, term while term <= max_terms do (array_fact_1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_1st_rel_error : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_last_rel_error : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term : 1, term while term <= max_terms do (array_type_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_x : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp1_g : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp1 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp2 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp3 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp4 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp5 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp6 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher_work : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher_work2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 3 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_set_initial : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher_work : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher_work2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 3 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_set_initial : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_poles : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_real_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord, term ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_complex_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= max_terms do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_fact_2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), array(array_y2, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_y2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_x, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_x : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_m1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_y1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_y1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp1_g, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp1_g : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp2, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp3, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp3 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp4, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp4 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp5, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp5 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp6, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp6 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_const_3, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_3 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_3 : 3, array(array_const_0D0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_0D0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_0D0 : 0.0, array(array_const_1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_1 : 1, array(array_const_1D0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_1D0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_1D0 : 1.0, array(array_m1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_m1 : - 1.0, iiif : 0, while iiif <= glob_max_terms do (jjjf : 0, 1 while jjjf <= glob_max_terms do (array_fact_1 : 0, iiif array_fact_2 : 0, jjjf : 1 + jjjf), iiif : 1 + iiif), x_start : 0.1, iiif, jjjf x_end : 5.0, glob_h : 1.0E-5, array_y1_init : exact_soln_y1(x_start), 1 + 0 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2(x_start), 1 + 0 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2p(x_start), 1 + 1 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2pp(x_start), glob_max_iter : 20, 1 + 2 glob_desired_digits_correct : 10, glob_display_interval : 0.001, glob_look_poles : true, glob_max_iter : 10000000, glob_max_minutes : 3, glob_last_good_h : glob_h, glob_max_terms : max_terms, glob_max_sec : convfloat(3600.0) convfloat(glob_max_hours) + convfloat(60.0) convfloat(glob_max_minutes), glob_abserr : expt(10.0, glob_log10_abserr), glob_relerr : expt(10.0, glob_log10_relerr), if glob_h > 0.0 then (glob_neg_h : false, glob_display_interval : omniabs(glob_display_interval)) else (glob_neg_h : true, glob_display_interval : - omniabs(glob_display_interval)), chk_data(), array_y2_set_initial : true, array_y2_set_initial : true, 1, 1 1, 2 array_y2_set_initial : true, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 3 1, 4 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 5 1, 6 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 7 1, 8 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 9 1, 10 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 11 1, 12 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 13 1, 14 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 15 1, 16 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 17 1, 18 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 19 1, 20 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 21 1, 22 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 23 1, 24 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 25 1, 26 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 27 1, 28 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 29 1, 30 array_y1_set_initial : true, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 1 2, 2 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 3 2, 4 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 5 2, 6 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 7 2, 8 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 9 2, 10 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 11 2, 12 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 13 2, 14 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 15 2, 16 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 17 2, 18 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 19 2, 20 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 21 2, 22 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 23 2, 24 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 25 2, 26 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 27 2, 28 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 29 2, 30 omniout_str(ALWAYS, "START of Optimize"), glob_check_sign : check_sign(x_start, x_end), glob_h : check_sign(x_start, x_end), if glob_display_interval < glob_h then glob_h : glob_display_interval, found_h : - 1.0, best_h : 0.0, min_value : glob_large_float, est_answer : est_size_answer(), opt_iter : 1, while (opt_iter <= 20) and (found_h < 0.0) do (omniout_int(ALWAYS, "opt_iter", 32, opt_iter, 4, ""), array_x : x_start, array_x : glob_h, 1 2 glob_next_display : x_start, order_diff : 3, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y2 : term_no array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y2_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), order_diff : 1, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y1 : term_no array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y1_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), if glob_subiter_method = 1 then atomall() elseif glob_subiter_method = 2 then (subiter : 1, while subiter <= 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)) else (subiter : 1, while subiter <= glob_max_terms + 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)), est_needed_step_err : estimated_needed_step_error(x_start, x_end, glob_h, est_answer), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "est_needed_step_err", 32, est_needed_step_err, 16, ""), value3 : test_suggested_h(), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, ""), if (value3 < est_needed_step_err) and (found_h < 0.0) then (best_h : glob_h, found_h : 1.0), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "best_h", 32, best_h, 32, ""), opt_iter : 1 + opt_iter, glob_h : glob_h 0.5), if found_h > 0.0 then glob_h : best_h else omniout_str(ALWAYS, "No increment to obtain desired accuracy found"), if glob_html_log then html_log_file : openw("html/entry.html"), if found_h > 0.0 then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "START of Soultion"), array_x : x_start, array_x : glob_h, glob_next_display : x_start, 1 2 order_diff : 3, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y2 : term_no array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y2_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), order_diff : 1, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y1 : term_no array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y1_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), current_iter : 1, glob_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_log10normmin : - glob_large_float, if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y2_higher ), log10norm : log10(tmp), 1, 1 if log10norm < glob_log10normmin then glob_log10normmin : log10norm), display_alot(current_iter), if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y1_higher ), log10norm : log10(tmp), 1, 1 if log10norm < glob_log10normmin then glob_log10normmin : log10norm), display_alot(current_iter), glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_current_iter : 0, glob_iter : 0, omniout_str(DEBUGL, " "), glob_reached_optimal_h : true, glob_optimal_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), while (glob_current_iter < glob_max_iter) and (glob_check_sign array_x < glob_check_sign x_end) 1 and (convfloat(glob_clock_sec) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) < convfloat(glob_max_sec)) do (if reached_interval () then (omniout_str(INFO, " "), omniout_str(INFO, "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop")), glob_iter : 1 + glob_iter, glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_current_iter : 1 + glob_current_iter, if glob_subiter_method = 1 then atomall() elseif glob_subiter_method = 2 then (subiter : 1, while subiter <= 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)) else (subiter : 1, while subiter <= glob_max_terms + 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)), if glob_look_poles then check_for_pole(), if reached_interval() then glob_next_display : glob_display_interval + glob_next_display, array_x : glob_h + array_x , 1 1 array_x : glob_h, order_diff : 3, ord : 4, calc_term : 1, 2 iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 4, iii array_y2_higher 4, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 4, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 3, iii array_y2_higher 3, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 3, iii array_y2_higher 3, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 4, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 4, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) term_no : glob_max_terms, while term_no >= 1 do (array_y2 : array_y2_higher_work2 , ord : 1, term_no 1, term_no while ord <= order_diff do (array_y2_higher : ord, term_no array_y2_higher_work2 , ord : 1 + ord), term_no : term_no - 1), ord, term_no order_diff : 1, ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 2, iii array_y1_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 1, iii array_y1_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 1, iii array_y1_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) term_no : glob_max_terms, while term_no >= 1 do (array_y1 : array_y1_higher_work2 , ord : 1, term_no 1, term_no while ord <= order_diff do (array_y1_higher : ord, term_no array_y1_higher_work2 , ord : 1 + ord), term_no : term_no - 1), ord, term_no display_alot(current_iter)), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Finished!"), if glob_iter >= glob_max_iter then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Maximum Iterations Reached before Solution Completed!"), if elapsed_time_seconds() - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) >= convfloat(glob_max_sec) then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Maximum Time Reached before Solution Completed!"), glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), omniout_str(INFO, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), omniout_str(INFO, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), omniout_int(INFO, "Iterations ", 32, glob_iter, 4, " "), prog_report(x_start, x_end), if glob_html_log then (logstart(html_log_file), logitem_str(html_log_file, "2012-12-15T00:06:42-06:00"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "Maxima"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), logitem_float(html_log_file, x_start), logitem_float(html_log_file, x_end), logitem_float(html_log_file, array_x ), logitem_float(html_log_file, glob_h), 1 logitem_str(html_log_file, "16"), logitem_good_digits(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), logitem_integer(html_log_file, glob_max_terms), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_1st_rel_error ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), 1 logitem_integer(html_log_file, glob_iter), logitem_pole(html_log_file, array_type_pole ), 1 if (array_type_pole = 1) or (array_type_pole = 2) 1 1 then (logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 0) 2 else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), 0), logitem_time(html_log_file, convfloat(glob_clock_sec)), if glob_percent_done < 100.0 then (logitem_time(html_log_file, convfloat(glob_total_exp_sec)), 0) else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "Done"), 0), log_revs(html_log_file, " 151 "), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4 diffeq.max"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4 maxima results"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "Languages compared"), logend(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logitem_str(html_log_file, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logitem_good_digits(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), 2 logditto(html_log_file), logitem_float(html_log_file, array_1st_rel_error ), 2 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), logditto(html_log_file), 2 logitem_pole(html_log_file, array_type_pole ), 2 if (array_type_pole = 1) or (array_type_pole = 2) 2 2 then (logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 0) 2 else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), 0), logditto(html_log_file), if glob_percent_done < 100.0 then (logditto(html_log_file), 0) else (logditto(html_log_file), 0), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logend(html_log_file)), if glob_html_log then close(html_log_file))) (%o56) main() := block([d1, d2, d3, d4, est_err_2, niii, done_once, term, ord, order_diff, term_no, html_log_file, iiif, jjjf, rows, r_order, sub_iter, calc_term, iii, temp_sum, current_iter, x_start, x_end, it, log10norm, max_terms, opt_iter, tmp, subiter, est_needed_step_err, value3, min_value, est_answer, best_h, found_h], define_variable(glob_max_terms, 30, fixnum), define_variable(glob_iolevel, 5, fixnum), define_variable(ALWAYS, 1, fixnum), define_variable(INFO, 2, fixnum), define_variable(DEBUGL, 3, fixnum), define_variable(DEBUGMASSIVE, 4, fixnum), define_variable(MAX_UNCHANGED, 10, fixnum), define_variable(glob_check_sign, 1.0, float), define_variable(glob_desired_digits_correct, 8.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_value3, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_ratio_of_radius, 0.01, float), define_variable(glob_percent_done, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_subiter_method, 3, fixnum), define_variable(glob_log10normmin, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_total_exp_sec, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_optimal_expect_sec, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_html_log, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_good_digits, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_max_opt_iter, 10, fixnum), define_variable(glob_dump, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_djd_debug, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_display_flag, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_djd_debug2, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_sec_in_minute, 60, fixnum), define_variable(glob_min_in_hour, 60, fixnum), define_variable(glob_hours_in_day, 24, fixnum), define_variable(glob_days_in_year, 365, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_hour, 3600, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_day, 86400, fixnum), define_variable(glob_sec_in_year, 31536000, fixnum), define_variable(glob_almost_1, 0.999, float), define_variable(glob_clock_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_clock_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_not_yet_finished, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_initial_pass, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_not_yet_start_msg, true, boolean), define_variable(glob_reached_optimal_h, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_optimal_done, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_disp_incr, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_h, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_hmax, 1.0, float), define_variable(glob_hmin, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_hmin_init, 0.001, float), define_variable(glob_large_float, 9.0E+100, float), define_variable(glob_last_good_h, 0.1, float), define_variable(glob_look_poles, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_neg_h, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_display_interval, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_next_display, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_dump_analytic, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_log10_abserr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_log10_relerr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_abserr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_relerr, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_max_hours, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_iter, 1000, fixnum), define_variable(glob_max_rel_trunc_err, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_max_trunc_err, 1.0E-11, float), define_variable(glob_no_eqs, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_optimal_clock_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_optimal_start, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_small_float, 1.0E-51, float), define_variable(glob_smallish_float, 1.0E-101, float), define_variable(glob_unchanged_h_cnt, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_warned, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_warned2, false, boolean), define_variable(glob_max_sec, 10000.0, float), define_variable(glob_orig_start_sec, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_start, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_curr_iter_when_opt, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_current_iter, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_iter, 0, fixnum), define_variable(glob_normmax, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_log10abserr, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_log10relerr, 0.0, float), define_variable(glob_max_minutes, 0.0, float), ALWAYS : 1, INFO : 2, DEBUGL : 3, DEBUGMASSIVE : 4, glob_iolevel : INFO, glob_orig_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), MAX_UNCHANGED : 10, glob_curr_iter_when_opt : 0, glob_display_flag : true, glob_no_eqs : 2, glob_iter : - 1, opt_iter : - 1, glob_max_iter : 50000, glob_max_hours : 0.0, glob_max_minutes : 15.0, omniout_str(ALWAYS, "##############ECHO OF PROBLEM#################"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "##############temp/mtest4postode.ode#################"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN FIRST INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Digits:32,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "max_terms:30,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END FIRST INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN SECOND INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "x_start:0.1,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "x_end:5.0,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_h:0.00001,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y1_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y1(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y2(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[1 + 1] : exact_soln_y2p(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "array_y2_init[2 + 1] : exact_soln_y2pp(x_start),"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_iter:20,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END SECOND INPUT BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN OVERRIDE BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_desired_digits_correct:10,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_display_interval:0.001,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_look_poles:true,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_iter:10000000,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "glob_max_minutes:3,"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END OVERRIDE BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "!"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* BEGIN USER DEF BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2 (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " (1.0 + cos(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2p (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( -sin(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y2pp (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( -cos(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "exact_soln_y1 (x) := (block("), omniout_str(ALWAYS, " ( 1.0 - sin(x)) "), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "));"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, ""), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "/* END USER DEF BLOCK */"), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "#######END OF ECHO OF PROBLEM#################"), glob_unchanged_h_cnt : 0, glob_warned : false, glob_warned2 : false, glob_small_float : 1.0E-200, glob_smallish_float : 1.0E-64, glob_large_float : 1.0E+100, glob_almost_1 : 0.99, glob_log10_abserr : - 8.0, glob_log10_relerr : - 8.0, glob_hmax : 0.01, Digits : 32, max_terms : 30, glob_max_terms : max_terms, glob_html_log : true, array(array_y2_init, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_init, 1 + max_terms), array(array_norms, 1 + max_terms), array(array_fact_1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_pole, 1 + max_terms), array(array_1st_rel_error, 1 + max_terms), array(array_last_rel_error, 1 + max_terms), array(array_type_pole, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_x, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp0, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp1_g, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp5, 1 + max_terms), array(array_tmp6, 1 + max_terms), array(array_m1, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher_work, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_higher_work2, 1 + 4, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y2_set_initial, 1 + 3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher_work, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_higher_work2, 1 + 2, 1 + max_terms), array(array_y1_set_initial, 1 + 3, 1 + max_terms), array(array_poles, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_real_pole, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_complex_pole, 1 + 2, 1 + 3), array(array_fact_2, 1 + max_terms, 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_init : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_init : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_norms : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term : 1, term while term <= max_terms do (array_fact_1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_1st_rel_error : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_last_rel_error : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term : 1, term while term <= max_terms do (array_type_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_x : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp1_g : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp1 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp2 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp3 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp4 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp5 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_tmp6 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher_work : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 4 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_higher_work2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 3 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y2_set_initial : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher_work : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_higher_work2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 3 do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_y1_set_initial : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_poles : 0.0, ord, term term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_real_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord : 1 + ord), ord, term ord : 1, while ord <= 2 do (term : 1, while term <= 3 do (array_complex_pole : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), ord : 1, while ord <= max_terms do (term : 1, while term <= max_terms do (array_fact_2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), ord, term ord : 1 + ord), array(array_y2, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_y2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_x, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_x : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_m1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_y1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_y1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp1_g, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp1_g : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp2, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp2 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp3, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp3 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp4, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp4 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp5, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp5 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_tmp6, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_tmp6 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array(array_const_3, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_3 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_3 : 3, array(array_const_0D0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_0D0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_0D0 : 0.0, array(array_const_1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_1 : 1, array(array_const_1D0, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= 1 + max_terms do (array_const_1D0 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_const_1D0 : 1.0, array(array_m1, 1 + 1 + max_terms), term : 1, 1 while term <= max_terms do (array_m1 : 0.0, term : 1 + term), term array_m1 : - 1.0, iiif : 0, while iiif <= glob_max_terms do (jjjf : 0, 1 while jjjf <= glob_max_terms do (array_fact_1 : 0, iiif array_fact_2 : 0, jjjf : 1 + jjjf), iiif : 1 + iiif), x_start : 0.1, iiif, jjjf x_end : 5.0, glob_h : 1.0E-5, array_y1_init : exact_soln_y1(x_start), 1 + 0 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2(x_start), 1 + 0 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2p(x_start), 1 + 1 array_y2_init : exact_soln_y2pp(x_start), glob_max_iter : 20, 1 + 2 glob_desired_digits_correct : 10, glob_display_interval : 0.001, glob_look_poles : true, glob_max_iter : 10000000, glob_max_minutes : 3, glob_last_good_h : glob_h, glob_max_terms : max_terms, glob_max_sec : convfloat(3600.0) convfloat(glob_max_hours) + convfloat(60.0) convfloat(glob_max_minutes), glob_abserr : expt(10.0, glob_log10_abserr), glob_relerr : expt(10.0, glob_log10_relerr), if glob_h > 0.0 then (glob_neg_h : false, glob_display_interval : omniabs(glob_display_interval)) else (glob_neg_h : true, glob_display_interval : - omniabs(glob_display_interval)), chk_data(), array_y2_set_initial : true, array_y2_set_initial : true, 1, 1 1, 2 array_y2_set_initial : true, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 3 1, 4 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 5 1, 6 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 7 1, 8 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 9 1, 10 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 11 1, 12 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 13 1, 14 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 15 1, 16 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 17 1, 18 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 19 1, 20 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 21 1, 22 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 23 1, 24 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 25 1, 26 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 27 1, 28 array_y2_set_initial : false, array_y2_set_initial : false, 1, 29 1, 30 array_y1_set_initial : true, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 1 2, 2 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 3 2, 4 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 5 2, 6 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 7 2, 8 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 9 2, 10 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 11 2, 12 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 13 2, 14 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 15 2, 16 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 17 2, 18 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 19 2, 20 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 21 2, 22 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 23 2, 24 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 25 2, 26 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 27 2, 28 array_y1_set_initial : false, array_y1_set_initial : false, 2, 29 2, 30 omniout_str(ALWAYS, "START of Optimize"), glob_check_sign : check_sign(x_start, x_end), glob_h : check_sign(x_start, x_end), if glob_display_interval < glob_h then glob_h : glob_display_interval, found_h : - 1.0, best_h : 0.0, min_value : glob_large_float, est_answer : est_size_answer(), opt_iter : 1, while (opt_iter <= 20) and (found_h < 0.0) do (omniout_int(ALWAYS, "opt_iter", 32, opt_iter, 4, ""), array_x : x_start, array_x : glob_h, 1 2 glob_next_display : x_start, order_diff : 3, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y2 : term_no array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y2_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), order_diff : 1, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y1 : term_no array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y1_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), if glob_subiter_method = 1 then atomall() elseif glob_subiter_method = 2 then (subiter : 1, while subiter <= 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)) else (subiter : 1, while subiter <= glob_max_terms + 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)), est_needed_step_err : estimated_needed_step_error(x_start, x_end, glob_h, est_answer), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "est_needed_step_err", 32, est_needed_step_err, 16, ""), value3 : test_suggested_h(), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "value3", 32, value3, 32, ""), if (value3 < est_needed_step_err) and (found_h < 0.0) then (best_h : glob_h, found_h : 1.0), omniout_float(ALWAYS, "best_h", 32, best_h, 32, ""), opt_iter : 1 + opt_iter, glob_h : glob_h 0.5), if found_h > 0.0 then glob_h : best_h else omniout_str(ALWAYS, "No increment to obtain desired accuracy found"), if glob_html_log then html_log_file : openw("html/entry.html"), if found_h > 0.0 then (omniout_str(ALWAYS, "START of Soultion"), array_x : x_start, array_x : glob_h, glob_next_display : x_start, 1 2 order_diff : 3, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y2 : term_no array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y2_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y2_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), order_diff : 1, term_no : 1, while term_no <= order_diff do (array_y1 : term_no array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) term_no ----------------------------------------------, term_no : 1 + term_no), factorial_1(term_no - 1) rows : order_diff, r_order : 1, while r_order <= rows do (term_no : 1, while term_no <= 1 - r_order + rows do (it : - 1 + r_order + term_no, array_y1_init expt(glob_h, term_no - 1) it array_y1_higher : -----------------------------------------, r_order, term_no factorial_1(term_no - 1) term_no : 1 + term_no), r_order : 1 + r_order), current_iter : 1, glob_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_log10normmin : - glob_large_float, if omniabs(array_y2_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y2_higher ), log10norm : log10(tmp), 1, 1 if log10norm < glob_log10normmin then glob_log10normmin : log10norm), display_alot(current_iter), if omniabs(array_y1_higher ) > glob_small_float 1, 1 then (tmp : omniabs(array_y1_higher ), log10norm : log10(tmp), 1, 1 if log10norm < glob_log10normmin then glob_log10normmin : log10norm), display_alot(current_iter), glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_current_iter : 0, glob_iter : 0, omniout_str(DEBUGL, " "), glob_reached_optimal_h : true, glob_optimal_clock_start_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), while (glob_current_iter < glob_max_iter) and (glob_check_sign array_x < glob_check_sign x_end) 1 and (convfloat(glob_clock_sec) - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) < convfloat(glob_max_sec)) do (if reached_interval () then (omniout_str(INFO, " "), omniout_str(INFO, "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop")), glob_iter : 1 + glob_iter, glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), glob_current_iter : 1 + glob_current_iter, if glob_subiter_method = 1 then atomall() elseif glob_subiter_method = 2 then (subiter : 1, while subiter <= 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)) else (subiter : 1, while subiter <= glob_max_terms + 4 do (atomall(), subiter : 1 + subiter)), if glob_look_poles then check_for_pole(), if reached_interval() then glob_next_display : glob_display_interval + glob_next_display, array_x : glob_h + array_x , 1 1 array_x : glob_h, order_diff : 3, ord : 4, calc_term : 1, 2 iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 4, iii array_y2_higher 4, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 4, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 3, iii array_y2_higher 3, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 3, iii array_y2_higher 3, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 3, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 2, iii array_y2_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 4, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 4, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 3, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y2_higher_work : 1, iii array_y2_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y2_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y2_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) term_no : glob_max_terms, while term_no >= 1 do (array_y2 : array_y2_higher_work2 , ord : 1, term_no 1, term_no while ord <= order_diff do (array_y2_higher : ord, term_no array_y2_higher_work2 , ord : 1 + ord), term_no : term_no - 1), ord, term_no order_diff : 1, ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 2, iii array_y1_higher 2, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 2, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 1, iii array_y1_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 2, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (array_y1_higher_work : 1, iii array_y1_higher 1, iii --------------------------- expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) -------------------------------------, iii : iii - 1), temp_sum : 0.0, factorial_3(iii - calc_term, iii - 1) ord : 1, calc_term : 1, iii : glob_max_terms, while iii >= calc_term do (temp_sum : array_y1_higher_work + temp_sum, iii : iii - 1), ord, iii temp_sum expt(glob_h, calc_term - 1) array_y1_higher_work2 : ------------------------------------, ord, calc_term factorial_1(calc_term - 1) term_no : glob_max_terms, while term_no >= 1 do (array_y1 : array_y1_higher_work2 , ord : 1, term_no 1, term_no while ord <= order_diff do (array_y1_higher : ord, term_no array_y1_higher_work2 , ord : 1 + ord), term_no : term_no - 1), ord, term_no display_alot(current_iter)), omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Finished!"), if glob_iter >= glob_max_iter then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Maximum Iterations Reached before Solution Completed!"), if elapsed_time_seconds() - convfloat(glob_orig_start_sec) >= convfloat(glob_max_sec) then omniout_str(ALWAYS, "Maximum Time Reached before Solution Completed!"), glob_clock_sec : elapsed_time_seconds(), omniout_str(INFO, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), omniout_str(INFO, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), omniout_int(INFO, "Iterations ", 32, glob_iter, 4, " "), prog_report(x_start, x_end), if glob_html_log then (logstart(html_log_file), logitem_str(html_log_file, "2012-12-15T00:06:42-06:00"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "Maxima"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;"), logitem_float(html_log_file, x_start), logitem_float(html_log_file, x_end), logitem_float(html_log_file, array_x ), logitem_float(html_log_file, glob_h), 1 logitem_str(html_log_file, "16"), logitem_good_digits(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), logitem_integer(html_log_file, glob_max_terms), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_1st_rel_error ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), 1 logitem_integer(html_log_file, glob_iter), logitem_pole(html_log_file, array_type_pole ), 1 if (array_type_pole = 1) or (array_type_pole = 2) 1 1 then (logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 0) 2 else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), 0), logitem_time(html_log_file, convfloat(glob_clock_sec)), if glob_percent_done < 100.0 then (logitem_time(html_log_file, convfloat(glob_total_exp_sec)), 0) else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "Done"), 0), log_revs(html_log_file, " 151 "), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4 diffeq.max"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "mtest4 maxima results"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "Languages compared"), logend(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logitem_str(html_log_file, "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;"), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logitem_good_digits(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), 2 logditto(html_log_file), logitem_float(html_log_file, array_1st_rel_error ), 2 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_last_rel_error ), logditto(html_log_file), 2 logitem_pole(html_log_file, array_type_pole ), 2 if (array_type_pole = 1) or (array_type_pole = 2) 2 2 then (logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 1 logitem_float(html_log_file, array_pole ), 0) 2 else (logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), logitem_str(html_log_file, "NA"), 0), logditto(html_log_file), if glob_percent_done < 100.0 then (logditto(html_log_file), 0) else (logditto(html_log_file), 0), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logditto(html_log_file), logend(html_log_file)), if glob_html_log then close(html_log_file))) (%i57) main() "##############ECHO OF PROBLEM#################" "##############temp/mtest4postode.ode#################" "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;" "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;" "!" "/* BEGIN FIRST INPUT BLOCK */" "Digits:32," "max_terms:30," "!" "/* END FIRST INPUT BLOCK */" "/* BEGIN SECOND INPUT BLOCK */" "x_start:0.1," "x_end:5.0," "glob_h:0.00001," "array_y1_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y1(x_start)," "array_y2_init[0 + 1] : exact_soln_y2(x_start)," "array_y2_init[1 + 1] : exact_soln_y2p(x_start)," "array_y2_init[2 + 1] : exact_soln_y2pp(x_start)," "glob_max_iter:20," "/* END SECOND INPUT BLOCK */" "/* BEGIN OVERRIDE BLOCK */" "glob_desired_digits_correct:10," "glob_display_interval:0.001," "glob_look_poles:true," "glob_max_iter:10000000," "glob_max_minutes:3," "/* END OVERRIDE BLOCK */" "!" "/* BEGIN USER DEF BLOCK */" "exact_soln_y2 (x) := (block(" " (1.0 + cos(x)) " "));" "exact_soln_y2p (x) := (block(" " ( -sin(x)) " "));" "exact_soln_y2pp (x) := (block(" " ( -cos(x)) " "));" "exact_soln_y1 (x) := (block(" " ( 1.0 - sin(x)) " "));" "" "/* END USER DEF BLOCK */" "#######END OF ECHO OF PROBLEM#################" "START of Optimize" min_size = 0.0 "" min_size = 1. "" opt_iter = 1 glob_desired_digits_correct = 10. "" desired_abs_gbl_error = 1.0000000000E-10 "" range = 4.9 "" estimated_steps = 4900. "" step_error = 2.040816326530612300000000000000E-14 "" est_needed_step_err = 2.040816326530612300000000000000E-14 "" hn_div_ho = 0.5 "" hn_div_ho_2 = 0.25 "" hn_div_ho_3 = 0.125 "" value3 = 6.02570048211256700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E-98 "" value3 = 3.176213069357550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E-94 "" max_value3 = 3.176213069357550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E-94 "" value3 = 3.176213069357550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000E-94 "" best_h = 1.000E-3 "" "START of Soultion" x[1] = 0.1 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9950041652780257 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9950041652780257 " " absolute error = 0.0 " " relative error = 0.0 "%" Correct digits = 16 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.9001665833531718 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.9001665833531718 " " absolute error = 0.0 " " relative error = 0.0 "%" Correct digits = 16 h = 1.000E-3 " " x[1] = 0.1 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9950041652780257 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9950041652780257 " " absolute error = 0.0 " " relative error = 0.0 "%" Correct digits = 16 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.9001665833531718 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.9001665833531718 " " absolute error = 0.0 " " relative error = 0.0 "%" Correct digits = 16 h = 1.000E-3 " " " " "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop" "NO POLE" "NO POLE" x[1] = 0.101 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9949038343759766 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9949038341934664 " " absolute error = 1.82510229151944260000000000E-10 " " relative error = 9.148823417296956000000000E-9 "%" Correct digits = 11 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.899171629270432 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.8991716292704776 " " absolute error = 4.55191440096314200000000000000E-14 " " relative error = 5.062342107764748000000000000E-12 "%" Correct digits = 14 h = 1.000E-3 " " " " "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop" "NO POLE" "NO POLE" x[1] = 0.10200000000000001 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9948025085701762 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9948025071097961 " " absolute error = 1.4603800391199684000000000E-9 " " relative error = 7.3209254191620800000000E-8 "%" Correct digits = 10 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.8981767760160545 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.8981767760167846 " " absolute error = 7.3008266099350290000000000000E-13 " " relative error = 8.1284963104017390000000000E-11 "%" Correct digits = 13 h = 1.000E-3 " " " " "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop" "NO POLE" "NO POLE" x[1] = 0.10300000000000001 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.99470018796195 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9947001830321618 " " absolute error = 4.929788133267720700000000E-9 " " relative error = 2.4714431587358730000000E-7 "%" Correct digits = 9 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.8971820245848925 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.8971820245885893 " " absolute error = 3.696820627396846000000000000E-12 " " relative error = 4.1204800431743920000000000E-10 "%" Correct digits = 12 h = 1.000E-3 " " " " "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop" "NO POLE" "NO POLE" x[1] = 0.10400000000000001 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9945968726536185 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.9945968609658118 " " absolute error = 1.168780672244906800000000E-8 " " relative error = 5.8597338052072490000000E-7 "%" Correct digits = 9 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.8961873759716973 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.8961873759833832 " " absolute error = 1.16858744902970100000000000E-11 " " relative error = 1.3039543742318980000000000E-9 "%" Correct digits = 11 h = 1.000E-3 " " " " "TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop" "NO POLE" "NO POLE" x[1] = 0.10500000000000001 " " y2[1] (analytic) = 1.9944925627484973 " " y2[1] (numeric) = 1.994492539916098 " " absolute error = 2.283239930456204500000000E-8 " " relative error = 1.144772346159967900000E-6 "%" Correct digits = 8 h = 1.000E-3 " " y1[1] (analytic) = 0.8951928311711175 " " y1[1] (numeric) = 0.8951928311996522 " " absolute error = 2.853473013431085000000000000E-11 " " relative error = 3.1875512337359624000000000E-9 "%" Correct digits = 11 h = 1.000E-3 " " "Finished!" "Maximum Time Reached before Solution Completed!" "diff ( y2 , x , 3 ) = m1 * cos(x) ;" "diff ( y1 , x , 1 ) = m1 * y2 + 1.0;" Iterations = 5 "Total Elapsed Time "= 0 Years 0 Days 0 Hours 4 Minutes 11 Seconds "Elapsed Time(since restart) "= 0 Years 0 Days 0 Hours 3 Minutes 29 Seconds "Expected Time Remaining "= 0 Years 2 Days 9 Hours 2 Minutes 6 Seconds "Optimized Time Remaining "= 0 Years 1 Days 23 Hours 25 Minutes 17 Seconds "Expected Total Time "= 0 Years 1 Days 23 Hours 29 Minutes 29 Seconds "Time to Timeout " Unknown Percent Done = 0.12244897959183683 "%" (%o57) true (%o57) diffeq.max