Initializing... Initialized Initializing(2)... PI = 0.314159265358979323846264338327950271e1+/-0.313e-33 E = 0.271828182845904523536028747135266232e1+/-0.256e-32 LOG_E_10 = 0.230258509299404568401799145468436324e1+/-0.5e-32 Initialized(2) ##############ECHO OF PROBLEM################# ##############temp/lin_arctan_m2_2postode.ode################# diff ( y , x , 1 ) = arctan ( x ) ; ! #BEGIN FIRST INPUT BLOCK # Digits:=32; ELIMINATED in preodein.rb max_terms=30 ! #END FIRST INPUT BLOCK #BEGIN SECOND INPUT BLOCK x_start=c(-2.0) x_end=c(2.0) # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb $array_y_init[0 + 1] = exact_soln_y(x_start) $glob_look_poles=true # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb # ELIMINATED in preodein.rb $glob_type_given_pole=0 #END SECOND INPUT BLOCK #BEGIN OVERRIDE BLOCK $glob_desired_digits_correct=8 $glob_max_minutes=(3.0) $glob_subiter_method=3 $glob_max_iter=100000 $glob_upper_ratio_limit=c(1.000001) $glob_lower_ratio_limit=c(0.999999) $glob_look_poles=true $glob_h=c(0.001) $glob_display_interval=c(0.01) #END OVERRIDE BLOCK ! #BEGIN USER DEF BLOCK def exact_soln_y (x) x = c(x) return(c(x)*arctan(c(x))-c(0.5)*ln(c(x)*c(x)+c(1.0))) end #END USER DEF BLOCK #######END OF ECHO OF PROBLEM################# START of Soultion TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.2e1+/-0.50e-32 y[1] (closed_form) 0.140957847937113081873375125374398077e1+/-0.218e-30 y[1] (numeric) 0.140957847937113081873375125374398077e1+/-0.218e-30 $glob_prec 0.1e-15+/-0.50e-49% absolute error 0.0e0+/-0.436e-30 relative error 0.0e0+/-0.309312327323922389933019560866452283e-28% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 14 Correct digits 34 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.199e1+/-0.100e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.139851701893338235170671525064133979e1+/-0.426e-30 y[1] (numeric) 0.139851701839722216145418008096727101e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.53616019025253516967406878e-9+/-0.644e-30 relative error 0.383377665765878597560034808154767238e-7+/-0.46e-28% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 8 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.198e1+/-0.150e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.138747571952808775031848375857635379e1+/-0.63e-30 y[1] (numeric) 0.138747571844982458948308836562850065e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.107826316083539539294785314e-8+/-0.848e-30 relative error 0.777140201921614436578846943678137788e-7+/-0.611e-28% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 8 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.197e1+/-0.200e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.137645474382428438138643626493473458e1+/-0.842e-30 y[1] (numeric) 0.137645474219789709163243378875942021e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.162638728975400247617531437e-8+/-0.106e-29 relative error 0.118157701664445279618620246257317585e-6+/-0.77e-28% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.196e1+/-0.250e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.136545425629777745438279722523191143e1+/-0.105e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.136545425411716542729746146389443289e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.218061202708533576133747854e-8+/-0.126e-29 relative error 0.159698650982108710330848844062064025e-6+/-0.922e-28% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.195e1+/-0.300e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.135447442325497839159285106198195615e1+/-0.125e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.135447442051396048560918867988004375e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.27410179059836623821019124e-8+/-0.146e-29 relative error 0.202367638614883511318784721096126284e-6+/-0.107e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.194e1+/-0.350e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.134351541285706806500340490451606495e1+/-0.146e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.134351540954938151145295962716433475e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.33076865535504452773517302e-8+/-0.167e-29 relative error 0.24619639803881718124811203010703166e-6+/-0.124e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.193e1+/-0.400e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.133257739514448815564331534921042246e1+/-0.168e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.133257739126378745409245507007027901e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.388070070155086027914014345e-8+/-0.189e-29 relative error 0.291217659528892522897645059360437827e-6+/-0.141e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.192e1+/-0.450e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.132166054206176384482241581432141705e1+/-0.190e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.132166053760161964786405458178669785e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.44601441969583612325347192e-8+/-0.211e-29 relative error 0.337465185273718322081267202651358207e-6+/-0.159e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.191e1+/-0.500e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.131076502748266099486060745432958742e1+/-0.212e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.131076502243655898255291409076755812e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.50461020123076933635620293e-8+/-0.233e-29 relative error 0.384973805869598850854835927211642712e-6+/-0.177e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.19e1+/-0.550e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.129989102723568091915319006370588893e1+/-0.234e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.129989102159702066331752197142704466e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.563866025583566809227884427e-8+/-0.255e-29 relative error 0.43377945825402891083792522786366464e-6+/-0.196e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 TOP MAIN SOLVE Loop x[1] -0.189e1+/-0.600e-31 y[1] (closed_form) 0.128903871912989577745519612289077001e1+/-0.256e-29 y[1] (numeric) 0.128903871289198959606732088950292931e1+/-0.218e-30 absolute error 0.62379061813878752333878407e-8+/-0.277e-29 relative error 0.483919225141543990629739278825132667e-6+/-0.214e-27% Desired digits 8 Estimated correct digits 13 Correct digits 7 h 0.1e-2+/-0.5e-33 NO INFO (given) for Equation 1 NO POLE (ratio test) for Equation 1 NO REAL POLE (three term test) for Equation 1 NO COMPLEX POLE (six term test) for Equation 1 Finished! Maximum Time Reached before Solution Completed! diff ( y , x , 1 ) = arctan ( x ) ; Iterations 118 Total Elapsed Time 3 Minutes 1 Seconds Elapsed Time(since restart) 3 Minutes 1 Seconds Expected Time Remaining 1 Hours 38 Minutes 23 Seconds Optimized Time Remaining 1 Hours 38 Minutes 23 Seconds Expected Total Time 1 Hours 41 Minutes 24 Seconds Time to Timeout 0.0 Seconds Percent Done 0.2975e1+/-0.174e-29%